Thermodynamic Environments of Proteins Database v1.0 (TEdb_v1) V.J. Hilser ( J.O. Wrabl ( A.F. Chin ( August 17, 2021 Thermodynamic data are contained within three archived files, available for download, organized by kingdom. The UniProt Reference Proteomes, from which the thermodynamic data are derived, are included as individual archives organized by kingdom in the separate subdirectory. Please be patient as these files are large, even when compressed, and download speeds may vary. Uncompress using, for example, 'gunzip archaea.tar.gz' and extract using 'tar -xvf archaea.tar'. This will create two subdirectories within the kingdom main directory: 'native' and 'denatured'. Within each subdirectory are multiple text files, one file per organism, containing thermodynamic environments of the organism's proteome. These numbers are defined in the accompanying manuscript. A text file is organized in fasta format, i.e. a first line of identifying information about the protein and a second line of thermodynamic environments, one environment per residue. Thus the length of the second line is equivalent to the number of amino acids in the protein. Finally, the order of proteins in each file is identical to the order of proteins as found in the UniProt proteome data. July 15, 2022 An updated version (TEdb_v2), not part of the original publication, is now available. These data are based on uniprot sequences obtained in 2020 and now include viruses.